Baltic Pipe enables the transportation of 10 bcm/year natural gas from Norway to Denmark and Poland and 3 bcm/year gas from Poland to Denmark. The pipeline became operational in October 2022 strengthening Central and Eastern Europe energy security by providing a direct access to natural gas produced on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. ORLEN Group booked most of the pipeline capacity.
The Baltic Pipe project was conducted by a collaboration between transmission system operators in Denmark (Energinet) and Poland (Gaz-System) with support from Norway (Gassco). The pipeline is part of the North-South Corridor concept and the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan, which constitute priorities for energy infrastructure development set by the European Union in order to strengthen competition, integrate gas markets, enhance security of supply and effectively implement sustainable development principles. The project has been granted the subsidy of 250 million USD for construction works under the Connecting Europe Facility European financing.