ORLEN Upstream Norway AS
P.O. Box 344
4068 Stavanger
E-mail: info@orlen.no
All requests with respect to the obligations pursuant to the Transparency Act should be directed to info@orlen.no and titled: Transparency Act .
Visitor address
Moseidsletta 122,
4033 Stavanger
Strandvegen 13,
9007 Tromsø
ORLEN Upstream Norway's employees as well as third parties are encouraged to report any potential violation of law, company's policies, procedures as well as ethical guidelines. This can be done by:
- e-mail: speakupORLEN@ryger.no
- phone: +47 9115 4450 (Only for whistleblowers. You will not be able to reach ORLEN Upstream Norway by calling this number).
- post: speakupORLEN, Ryger Advokatfirma AS, Edvard Griegs veg 1, 5059 Kronstad
The whistleblowing service is provided by an external partner. We guarantee anonymity for individuals reporting potential violations. All reports will be handled in confidence. ORLEN Upstream Norway will not take any action against person who makes reports in good faith.