
09.02.2011 PGNiG among leaders of the BI-NGO 2010 Index

Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA has been included in the group of companies standing out for clarity with which they present their CSR efforts on corporate websites.  

On February 9th 2011, the results of the BI-NGO 2010 Index were announced for the fourth time. The Index evaluates how the 500 largest companies listed by the Rzeczpospolita daily communicate their CSR efforts over the Internet. The Index surveys the following main areas: the company's policy and leadership, CSR strategy, relation building, financial transparency, results measurement, and communication.

The results of the BI-NGO Index (and other similar rankings) clearly indicate that a group of companies have taken the lead in CSR and that group have had the greatest impact on the development of CSR activity in Poland in recent years.

Other leaders of the BI-NGO 2010 Index include: the Bank Handlowy w Warszawie Group, Danone sp. z o.o., the Lotos Group, the ORLEN Group, the Bank Zachodni WBK Group, PTK Centertel sp. z o.o., the BRE Bank Group, Henkel Polska SA, KGHM Polska SA, the Kompania Piwowarska Group, Polpharma SA, and Telekomunikacja Polska.

For more information on the BIN-GO Index, see: