26.01.2009 Statement concerning natural gas deliveries to Poland
Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM SA (GAZ-SYSTEM S.A.) and Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA (PGNiG SA) announced on 26 January 2009 that the amount of natural gas deliveries from the east is in accordance with the Jamal contract. Pursuant to this contract, natural gas is being delivered to the following locations:
- Tietierowka, Vysokoye (on the Polish-Belarusian border),
- Drozdowicze (on the Polish-Ukrainian border),
- Lwówek and Włocławek on the Jamal pipeline.
In the last 24 hours, natural gas deliveries via the Vysokoye cross-border point on the Polish- Belarusian border returned to the agreed level and as at 08:00 hours, 26 January 2009, were providing approximately 7 million m3 per day.
At the same time, natural gas deliveries via the Drozdowicze cross-border point on the Polish-Ukrainian border are realised at approximately 7 million m3 per day (in accordance with the Jamal Contract), which means that the contract with RosUkrEnergo AG is not realised.
In light of the above, current natural gas deliveries from the east are providing approximately 76% of the initially planned levels.
PGNiG SA and GAZ-SYSYTEM SA announces that at this time, the demand for natural gas in Poland is fully covered. GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. announced the first level of supply limitations, which means that industrial consumers may now receive gas at contractually planned levels.
Contact persons:
Joanna Zakrzewska
Spokesperson for PGNiG SA
tel. +48 22 691-79-30, +48 667-951-263
e-mail: rzecznik@pgnig.pl
Małgorzata Polkowska
Spokesperson for GAZ-SYSTEM SA
tel. +48 22 56-01-755, +48 691-911-217
e-mail: pr@gaz-system.pl