02.01.2009 Statement regarding natural gas deliveries to Poland
Transmission System Operator GAZ-SYSTEM SA and Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA (PGNiG SA) inform that at present Poland's demand for natural gas is fully covered.
Natural gas deliveries from Ukraine through inter-connector point in Drozdowicze since afternoon hours on 2nd January 2009 are realised on a lower level than contracted. At 5.00 p.m. was measured around 6% pressure decrease of twenty-four-hour amount of natural gas contracted from Ukrainian direction at inter-connector point in Drozdowicze on the Polish - Ukraine border. Those amounts of natural gas are additionally delivered at inter-connector point in Wysokoje on the Polish - Belarus border. In this way the contracted level of natural gas deliveries from Eastern direction is sustained. Above changes do not impact natural gas consumers in Poland.
In the transmission system underground gas storages, which are fully owned by PGNiG SA, are working according to plan and are in around 85% full.
Joanna Zakrzewska
Spokeswomen of PGNiG SA
MaĆgorzata Polkowska
Spokeswomen of OGP GAZ-SYSTEM SA